MTC’s tutoring program provides individualized attention to students, assisting our local schools in meeting students’ unique needs. Tutors support their students by working with them directly on the specific areas where they are struggling. Each year, MTC places volunteer tutors in Los Altos and Mountain View schools, from kindergarten through 8th grade.
MTC’s Tutoring Programs Include:
- One-on-one tutoring: Tutors work directly with a student on a desired subject, typically math or language arts. Tutoring takes place on school campuses during school hours.
- Homework Clubs: Tutors meet with students after school on school campuses to work on math challenges and reading comprehension skills.
- Reading Fellows: Reading Fellows is online an interventional program in LASD that matches tutors with students who are struggling to learn to read. The 2024-2025 school year dates for Reading Fellows training and sessions: To Be Announced